A “polite” young man went into a chip shop and asked staff to call the police because he thought he was wanted.

Blackburn magistrates heard that when officers arrive Keiron McCrudden was totally co-operative but was found in possession of a lock knife and a silver hammer.

McCrudden, 26, of Sussex Drive, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to possessing an offensive weapon in a public place.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with a six months mental health treatment requirement and 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement. He was fined £80.

Passing sentence District Judge Alexandra Preston said it was a clear example of someone having a mental health crisis.

“What you wanted was help and treatment for your mental health difficulties,” said District Judge Preston.

“You were very polite with the people in the chip shop and co-operated fully with the police.

"I think you desperately need more help and I hope this order will help to make you better.

“I hope that with this positive order you will not commit any further offences,” she added.

Damien Pickup, defending, said his client had gone to the chip shop and asked them to ring the police because he wanted to hand the items in.