A football fan who was subject to a banning order twice forgot to hand in his passport when England were playing international matches.

Blackburn magistrates heard the national team had been involved in international friendlies and Callum Blundell claimed he hadn't even been aware they were being played.

Blundell, 22, of Elmfield Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to two charges of failing to comply with requirements of a football banning order.

He was fined £160 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £64 victim surcharge.

Graeme Tindall, prosecuting, said under the banning order Blundell had to surrender his passport to the police whenever England played away.

He said reminder letters were sent to Blundell but he still failed to comply.

“There is no suggestion he was making any attempt to travel,” said Mr Tindall.

Duncan Nightingale, defending, said his client had moved address and it seemed the reminder letters had gone to the old address.

“They were friendly internationals and not as well advertised as full international matches,” said Mr Nightingale.

“He didn’t realise they were playing and as a result didn’t hand in his passport.

“The original order was made for three years and he is over two-and-a-half years into it and this is the first breach.”