Motorists waiting at traffic lights were shocked to see a vehicle overtake them and go through on red at 7.20am.

Blackburn magistrates heard the car driven by Thomas Williams then crashed with a lamppost which collapsed.

He continued for a short while before stopping.

Williams, 21, of Openshaw Drive, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis. He was bailed for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Jackie Partington, prosecuting, said the witnesses had been waiting at traffic lights on Accrington Road, Whalley on June 25, when the car driven by Williams passed them.

When police arrived Williams was being attended to by paramedics who confirmed he was not injured.

He gave a roadside breathalyser reading of 104mcg against the legal limit of 35 but failed to provide two specimens of breath at the police station.

Angela Grabowska, defending, said her client had tried to provide a breath sample at the police station but it had not been sufficient.