A MAN who assaulted his partner has been banned from having any contact with her for a year.

Blackburn magistrates heard Bryan Sharpe kicked the victim, pulled her hair, headbutted her to her right eye and smacked her across the face with a plastic ashtray.

Sharpe, 33, of Blackburn Road, Accrington, pleaded guilty to assault. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 20 rehab activity days and six months alcohol treatment requirement. He was fined £120 and ordered to pay £125 compensation and a £114 victim surcharge. The magistrates imposed a restraining order which prohibits any contact with the victim for 12 months.

Jackie Partington, prosecuting, said the couple had been at home when an argument started in the early hours of the morning. The defendant assaulted his partner during the prolonged incident.

“She accepts hitting him a number of times on the arm to try and get him to stop,” said Miss Partington.

Richard Prew, defending, said his client had no previous convictions.

“The offence was committed in drink and you will have read in the pre-sentence report of his remorse for what he did,” said Mr Prew. “He accepts it wasn’t a very pleasant incident.”