A man struggling with a police officer produced a military style Gurkha knife from the waistband of his trousers.

Blackburn Magistrates's Court heard a second officer was able to disarm Isiah Weekes, who had initially been spoken to because he smelled of cannabis.

Weekes, 18, of Milton Close, Great Harwood, pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker and possession of an offensive weapon.

He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Jackie Partington, prosecuting, said Inspector Peter Norris and another officer were on foot patrol in Queen Street, Great Harwood, during the afternoon of Tuesday, August 8.

Lancashire Telegraph: Isiah Weekes had a Gurkha style knife, like these soliders are holdingIsiah Weekes had a Gurkha style knife, like these soliders are holding (Image: Pixabay)

They approached Weekes because he smelled strongly of cannabis and he attempted to run away.

“The inspector managed to take hold of him and the defendant tried to punch the officer,” said Miss Partington.

“The other officer saw Weekes reach to his waist band and produce this large knife with a curved blade.”

Miss Partington said Weekes had a previous conviction for assaulting a police officer and one for possession of a bladed article in 2020.

Peter King, mitigating, said his client had only come out of local authority care when he turned 18.

“His troubled background has contributed to his difficulties,” said Mr King.

“He has felt vulnerable in the area where he is living and his possession of the blade was for his own protection.”

Weekes will be sentenced at a later date, following the preparation of his pre-sentence report.