It was third time unlucky for a shoplifter who was stealing to fund his drug habit.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Mark Craig had twice stolen coats from TK Maxx on the same day.

When he went back and tried to repeat the offence the following day he was detained by a loss prevention officer.

Craig, 38, of Dundee Drive, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to three charges of stealing coats from TK Maxx.

He was sentenced to eight weeks in prison suspended for 12 months and ordered to pay £417 compensation and a £114 victim surcharge.

Jackie Partington, prosecuting, said the coats taken in the first two offences were not recovered. All the offences were captured on CCTV.

Jonathan Taylor, mitigating, said his client admitted to police that he was stealing the jackets to sell so he could buy drugs.

“He is currently working with Inspire and hopes he can continue with his methadone script,” said Mr Taylor. “He is trying to get his life back in order.”