A driver arrested after failing a roadside breath test told police he had only had two pints.

Blackburn magistrates heard Declan Blackwell later gave an evidential breathalyser reading more than double the legal limit.

Blackwell, 28, of Grafton Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. He was fined £550 with £85 costs and a £220 victim surcharge and banned from driving for 17 months.

Suzanne Byrne, prosecuting, said an officer on duty in Pot House Lane, Darwen, saw Blackwell driving at excessive speed and followed him until he stopped on Holden Brow.

Gareth Price, defending, said his client had been on a night out and the plan had been to get a taxi home.

He added: “At the last minute he made the decision to drive home.”