A “dangerous” former police officer with a history of predatory behaviour attacked and sexually assaulted a teenage girl near a park in Darwen, in what a judge said was “the stuff of nightmares”.

James White, who used to work for Greater Manchester Police, was caught on CCTV following the 16-year-old girl in his car before attacking her in Bolton Road in the early hours of Sunday June 25.

Preston Crown Court was told White had previous convictions for harassment and stalking, some of which had involved former police colleagues.

Prosecuting, Eve Salter said the young victim had been walking home at around midnight in Darwen when she heard someone running behind her.

Lancashire Telegraph: James WhiteJames White (Image: Lancs Police)

She said: “The defendant approached her from behind placed his hands over her eyes and dragged her to the floor, saying, ‘I don’t want to hurt you’.

“She suffered bruising and scrapes to her right side as she fell.”

While on the floor the defendant reached with his left hand and stroked her left thigh over her dress.

Ms Salter continued: “At this point the victim used her phone to try and call her mum while striking the defendant with her phone.

“The defendant then tried to strike the device from her hand.”

In making the call, the victim had activated the Facetime option and the camera was turned on, capturing the outline of White and a distinctive t-shirt he was wearing.

Screenshots were also taken from the call.

Ms Salter went on: “As a result of being scared by the noise from the call, the defendant got up and ran away in the direction of Darwen town centre.”

The victim was collected by a family member and in her police interview said she was “glad to be alive” and feared that the attack had been sexually motivated and “the worst might happen”.

At a previous court hearing, CCTV had shown the defendant driving past the victim in a white Mercedes-Benz, with further footage showing that having spotted the teenager he was following her on foot, before approaching her from behind.

White was arrested the following day and was breathalysed and gave a reading of 50 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath, against the legal limit of 35mcg.

He later admitted to drinking four bottles of wine before getting into his car and then launching the attack on the girl.

He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol at the magistrates court and was fined £553 with £85 costs and £224 victim surcharge and was banned from driving for 15 months.

Defending White, 39, of Sudellside Street, Darwen, Tom Worsfold said his client was remorseful and had written a letter of apology to his victim.

He said: “These offences can be properly described as shocking.

“There is a degree of remorse and sincerity in his apology.

“He says this was not premeditated but was spontaneous after seeing the victim in the street.

“He recognises he’s let his family down and he deserves to feel like he does.

“When he speaks, he speaks about two different people, one good and one bad, and feels like the bad person is winning.

“He has a history of alcohol abuse and were it not for these issues his life might have been on a different trajectory.”

White appeared at court via CVP from HMP Durham. He has one conviction for five offences which include harassment, stalking and sending a grossly offensive messages to female colleagues. It was this conviction that resulted in him being sacked from GMP in 2015.

White, who now works as a health and safety advisor for a building company, pleaded guilty to sexual assault and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Sentencing, the Honorary Recorder of Preston, Judge Robert Altham said: “There was no-one else around at the time and she was entirely alone in a deserted place.

“The defendant has a number of previous convictions and was sentenced to 26 weeks suspended for two years in 2015.

“A 16-year-old was on her own and was targeted at night on the street – it’s the stuff of nightmares for a stranger to wrestle her from behind.

“This young woman had to fight him off in a violent attack in fear of something far more serious happening.

“I am satisfied that he is a dangerous offender.”

White was jailed for two years and six months, given a 15 year sexual harm prevention order and told to sign the sex offender’s register for life.