Two “special” nights out ended with a man assaulting his partner.

Blackburn magistrates heard Emanuel Adewumi did not usually drink and blamed alcohol for his out of character behaviour.

Adewumi, 28, of Vine Street, Manchester, pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm and assault. He was sent on bail to Burnley Crown Court to be sentenced.

Peter Kelly, prosecuting, said the victim of the attacks had not supported either prosecution.

The first attack, in the early hours of New Year's Day, had been committed inside a Burnley nightclub on Hammerton Street. CCTV showed a verbal disagreement between the couple before they both went out of range of the camera.

He then left the club. When officers arrived she was crying and a body cam recorded injury to her eye and a cut which was bleeding.

“She said she had been punched in the face,” said Mr Kelly.

The second offence was committed after the couple had been out celebrating his birthday.

CCTV showed them coming out of a club on Hammerton Street in the early hours of the morning.

They were arguing and he then punched her and pushed her onto a wall. As she was bent over the wall he punched her repeatedly to the back of her head.

Zabair Afzal, defending, said they had both been special occasions and his client had drunk alcohol which he doesn’t usually do.

“He remembers the first incident but has no recollection of the second,” said Mr Afzal. “This has been a lesson for him and he does not intend to drink again.”