An old farm building could be transformed into five new homes after plans were lodged with a council.

Mr Mattinson has applied to Pendle Council to convert an agricultural building on his own land to the east of Old Crook Hall Farm, Bracewell Lane, Barnoldswick, into five homes – two larger houses and three smaller ones.

A statement lodged alongside the plans reads: “The location of the proposed dwellings are such that there would not be any significant adverse impact as a result of noise or disturbance to the residential amenity of residents of the proposed dwellings.

“The farm operations on the site are to cease as a result of a positive outcome of this application.

“There will therefore be no noise impact as a result of the development. Other neighbour properties are at a good distance from the application site.

“The existing building has a simple utilitarian form arising from its current agricultural use which respects the rural character of the local area.

“The design of the proposed dwelling(s) are considered to be sympathetic and in keeping with its setting. It is considered that the proposals retain a large part of the existing external appearance.

“The proposal is for the conversion of this existing agricultural building to residential to include the installation of walls, windows and doors as detailed on the drawings provided along with the replacement of the roof.

“There will also be the provision of mains water and electricity to the site.”

Anyone wishing to comment on the plans can do so via Pendle Council’s planning portal before August 25.