A Whalley Range bazaar takeaway has been given planning permission to add a cafe seating extension in the empty shop next door.

The hot food outlet in Randal Street is taking over the retail premises next door, which has closed.

The refurbished extension will provide seating and cold storage facilities and have a new door fitted.

Blackburn with Darwen Council has given Mohammed Yakoob approval for his expansion scheme.

A report by planning officer Nick Blackledge, recommending the granting of permission with four conditions, said: "The application site relates to a mid-terraced shop which is currently vacant.

"The site is within a primary shopping frontage of the Whalley Range District Centre.

"Full planning permission is granted for a change of use of the ground floor only from a retail shop to an extension to the existing takeaway at 80 Randal Street, to provide seating only and cold storage facilities with the installation of new access door at number 82.

"The proposal would result in the creation of a new planning unit defined as a hybrid hot food takeaway / café use at numbers 80 to 82 Randal Street.

"Policy sets out that proposals within the primary shopping frontage involving change of use of ground floor / pedestrian level premises will be permitted provided that the proposal would not undermine the function of those frontages as a main retail area.

"The policy supports proposals for small scale commercial or other main town centres uses.

"The applicant submits that the ground floor premises have remained vacant for some significant time.

"The applicant also submits that demand for eat-in eateries is increasing, particularly within the Whalley Range area.

"Accordingly, on balance, the development is supported in principle in contributing to the vitality and viability of the centre.

"No significant highway impacts would arise from the proposal, considered in the context of the commercial nature of the centre and against traffic generated by the pre-existing retail use.

"As a proposed extension to an existing hot food takeaway, no net increase in hot food takeaway provision would arise nor, therefore, any significant health impacts, with specific reference to obesity."

A supporting statement submitted with Mr Yakoob's application says: "The new tenants at number 80 Randal Street wish to take over the premises at number 82 to completely refurbish the premises to provide seating to provide seating facilities for families/groups visiting the large number of shops on Whalley Range, Randal Street, and Victoria Street called The Whalley Range Bazaar."