Two dogs named Ivan and Luna are looking to be rehomed after losing their owner to suicide.

Both dogs are Caucasian Ovcharkas and only two years old, who are currently being looked after by Caucasian Ovcharka Rescue UK.

The charity is based in Burnley, and is the first rescue centre completely dedicated to helping the dog breed.

Caucasian Ovcharkas, also known as Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, are described as fierce family protectors. They were bred to care for flocks and defend the home against wild predators in the rough Caucasus Mountain region. 

Mark Giles, co-owner of Caucasian Ovcharka Rescue UK, said: "These dogs only like what they know, and their move has to be done very slowly and methodically to earn their trust.

"Once you earn their trust they're easy to work with, but until they get clarity that people aren’t there to hurt them it’s hard, but eventually they decompress."

Caucasian Ovcharka Rescue UK rescues dogs of this breed from all over the UK - from Scotland to the Isle of White.

A GoFundMe has also been set up to help transport, rehabilitate and rehome the dogs, with one team member currently travelling from Burnley to Preston everyday to look after them.

Mark added: “It’s such a shame. The owner loved his dogs, he loved people and he always showed Ivan and Luna off to people he met. He was a great lad, very friendly and always smiling.

“These things don’t happen quickly. It's possible we will not be able to keep them together, to find one home for a Caucasian Ovcharka is hard but for two is even harder as they are quite dominant.

"It is rare for someone to come forward and take on two Caucasian Ovcharkas, but it would be lovely if we were able to.

"Please help us to provide these dogs with the support they are going to need. We are slowly becoming a sanctuary as no homes are coming forward for foster or adoption. We thank you all in advance for your help and support."

Donations can be made via their GoFundMe here.