PROPOSALS to turn a vacant terraced house next to a mosque in a Victorian town centre conservation area into a women-only Muslim prayer space have been approved.

Blackburn with Darwen Council granted planning permission for the scheme after it was scaled back.

Darwen Madina Masjid applied for planning permission for the conversion of 25 Victoria Street from a vacant two storey-terraced home to a Place of Worship in January.

It caters for around 20 worshippers.

Following concerns expressed by Blackburn with Darwen Council planning officers this was withdrawn and a new smaller proposal submitted in May.

A report by planning officer Martin Kenny recommending approval says: "The proposal relates to an existing mid-terraced property located within the Darwen Town Centre boundary and the Darwen Town Centre conservation area.

"The site is adjoined at numbers 21 to 23 by a mosque (Darwen Madina Masjid) and number 27 by a residential dwelling.

"The locality contains a mix of residential and commercial uses.

"Darwen Madina Masjid is noted as an established place of worship, affording several service offerings such as a madrassah, marriage, funerals, and community engagement projects.

"Planning approval is sought for the change of use of number 25 to mosque, which would operate as an extension to the existing mosque use at numbers 21 to 23.

"The submission indicates that number 25 will operate as a ladies' facility supplementing the existing prayer hall.

"The amended proposal also includes the addition of a single storey extension to the rear of the existing two storey outrigger.

"It is noted that a mosque activity has operated from numbers 21 to 23 for decades.

"There are no earlier records of noise or disturbance from the use affecting surrounding residents.

"Further, no objections have been received to the current application.

"The proposed rear extension has been amended to address concerns relating to loss of light and the relationship with the ground floor lounge window of number 27.

"The proposal now can be considered to pose no undue concerns.

"The submitted details indicate a ladies prayer facility will adjoin the party boundary with number 27.

"To address potential noise impacts a condition requiring a sound proofing scheme is necessary."