A Blackburn Rovers supporter was caught on camera throwing four missiles into the Burnley end during the derby match clash at Ewood Park in April.

The town’s magistrates heard a bottle thrown by Connor Kendall narrowly missed a police officer.

Kendall, 21, of Royal Oak Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to throwing a bottle and three other unidentified missiles into a spectator area.

He was fined £120 with £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.

Kendall was also made subject to a football banning order for four years.

Passing sentence, District Judge Alexandra Preston described the defendant’s behaviour as “loutish".

She said he had caused a danger to people looking to simply enjoy a football match including families with children.

“You should be grateful the missiles you threw didn’t cause injury to anyone,” said District Judge Preston.

Nichola Mills, prosecuting, said the incident happened shortly after Burnley took the lead in the 66th minute of the Championship match.

“The Blackburn fans were advancing towards the Burnley end gesticulating angrily,” said Miss Mills.

“An officer saw the defendant throw four items into the Burnley end. He was not arrested at the time but was captured on CCTV and later identified by a police officer.”

Gareth Price, defending, said his client had no football related offences on his record and no convictions of any kind for over three years.

“He recognises that because of the behaviour he displayed a football banning order is inevitable,” said Mr Price.