Police called to an early morning crash found a BMW with its bumper ripped off.

Blackburn magistrates heard one person was seen to run away from the vehicle and the registered keeper, Mohammed Hassan Zaman, was found nearby.

Zaman, 23, of Douglas Place, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified, without due care and attention and without insurance.

He was sentenced to six weeks in prison suspended for 18 months with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 100 hours unpaid work.

Suzanne Byrne, prosecuting, said police were called to a crash on Galligreaves Way, Blackburn, at 2am. The defendant had left the scene but was found at nearby flats arguing with a resident.

“He initially refused to provide his details but it was established he had been the driver of the car which was registered to him,” said Miss Byrne. “He told the police he was taking his girlfriend to work.”

He told police he had skidded on the wet road, lost control and hit a wall.

Aftab Bakhat, defending, said his client had been disqualified in June and as a result had lost his job at Manchester Airport.

“On this night he made a mind boggling decision to drive and there can be no excuses,” said Mr Bakhat. “After crashing he panicked.”

Mr Bakhat said his client had since contacted the owner of the wall and made an arrangement to pay the £3,000 it cost to repair the wall.

“He is genuinely remorseful,” said Mr Bakhat.