Entrepreneur an author Davinia Taylor said she was inspired to launch Halal collagen products after linking up with a Blackburn woman.

Mum-of-four Davinia Taylor, 45, said she wants to reach out to all women and help as many as she can through her WillPowders products.

Her brand was launched in 2021 and offers a range of 'potent, clean nutrient dense supplements and nutrition'.

The focus she says is to 'improve mood, brain health, promote weight loss, crush cravings and boost energy'.

She recently launched her second book ‘Hack Your Hormones’, which offers advice on how to balance hormones and fuel the body.

But it was a chance meeting with Nargis Malik who was running her Cryotherapy clinic which led her to look at extending her products range to reach a larger audience.

She told us: “I moved back to Lancashire and wanted to get back to my roots and build a home for my family.

“I started looking around for someone who did Cryotherapy and came across Nargis who has been in the industry a long time.

“She had cutting edge biohacking technology the ReOxy Oxygen Therapy device and I used it to help me train for the Manchester Marathon. 

"I do a lot of running and not only did it help me with my running but it really helped following the run in terms of burnout, depression and fatigue.  I was actually happy!

“We got talking about collagen and it raised the question about the suitability of our collagen for a halal diet.” 

The  WillPowder Collagen products which are manufactured in Switzerland were not halal.

She said: “I decided to look into this more and see if we could introduce a product that was halal.

“This new halal collagen comes from grass fed cattle which is difficult to source to ensure the cows are fed a quality grain which is nutrient dense. Moreover, it is fully compliant to the highest certified standards and it is also packaged in a halal compliant facility. 

"I have taken no shortcuts in ensuring that our Halal Collagen powder is 100% compliant. 

“Following this, I have decided to consider each new product to cater for the halal diet and where possible vegan“

The brand is said to have designed a foundation range of products ‘for all those people who are struggling with bad eating habits, yo-yo diets, brain fog and for those mums who want to add a deeper level of nutrition to their family meals'.

Davinia admits people have been inspired by own journey and her battles with her own weight and health.

Lancashire Telegraph:

On her website she is refreshingly honest about her life and her struggles with finding the perfect balance.

She says: “I’ve struggled with body issues since my teens and my weight has fluctuated wildly over the years. I’ve been everything from a size eight to a 16, and it got to the point where I lost faith in my body’s ability to regulate itself.

In short, I was really angry with my body, and kept blaming it for the many diet and fitness mistakes I was making.

She adds: “After so many years of severe self-abuse, I was officially sick and tired of being sick and tired.

“I felt so unwell I couldn’t motivate myself to get out of bed to clean my teeth, let alone go for a run, as my doctor kept helpfully suggesting. In fact, the only place I could stagger to was the kitchen cupboards to load up on sugary foods in the hope they would give me quick energy.

“Instead of taking responsibility for myself, I went to see a series of doctors and experts and expected them to ‘fix ‘me. It was only when I realised that I could only be healthy and lean if I wanted to be that something finally – finally – switched in my brain.

“Thankfully, I dug deep and I chose to start being kind to myself. That meant cutting out inflammatory ingredients like sugar and bad fats, as well as anything processed, and replacing them with fresh food, good fats and intermittent fasting.

“I also made some amazing, game-changing discoveries in the shape of nutritional supplements and nootropics.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Davinia said people have been inspired by own journey

Davinia said she is really keen to share the benefits of the products to people of all backgrounds and cultures.

“We want the best for all our families and we want the best for ourselves.

“For me it has been always difficult to get my children to eat healthy. I think we all have that problem. 

“Here we can put a couple of spoons of collagen into tea, coffee and even the kids pasta sauce or drinks and I know it will be of great benefit to them.

“We live in a fast-paced world and we want results quick. It is just the nature of how we are living.

“It is probably why in such a short space of time we have had so much success for our products.

“The Halal Collagen powder is a clear winner and it really is a hero product for every Halal diet based woman, man and home.”

“I am really happy to announce that the Halal Collagen Powder will be available from Monday 31st July and can be purchased online.”