Thousands of illegal cigarettes and vapes as well as suspected illicit alcohol has been seized after a multi-agency strike day on premises in Preston as part of Operation Centurion. 

Around 40 officers and staff from nine agencies including Lancashire Trading Standards, Preston City Council Licensing, Environmental Health and Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service took part in the operation.

Agencies visited more than 20 premises suspected to be involved in the sales of illicit products, exploitation of vulnerable people or failing to comply with a range of licenses. 

The aim, to disrupt illegal activity, associated anti-social behaviour and issues which cause problems for the community. 

More than 20,000 illicit cigarettes and 183 prohibited vapes were seized, 32 bottles of alcohol were taken away by Trading Standards to be tested to ensure they are above board and15 packets of prescription only medication, which must be prescribed by an authorised health professional, were also seized. 

Here’s what else happened:

·         One premises was issued with a S19 notice after repeat failures to comply with their alcohol license.

·         £5000 was seized from a premises suspected to have been obtained by illegal means.

·         Waste enforcement and Lancashire Fire and Rescue identified a number of waste piles causing significant fire risk to premises. 

Sergeant Roz Walsh from Preston police said: “This operation demonstrates the strong working relationships that we have with our partners and the commitment we all have to working together to tackle this sort of activity which oftens leads to anti-social behaviour in the surrounding communities. 

“The combined strength of us all working together is formidable and is more likely to deliver sustainable solutions to these problems.” 

Lancashire councillor Michael Green, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: "Closing off avenues where illicit goods are sold is not just a matter of enforcing the law, it is a way of protecting public health and keeping the community safe.

"Our Trading Standards Team will continue to keep seizing illicit tobacco and non-compliant vapes and continue to take enforcement action against rogue traders.

"I encourage anyone to report shops to us that they believe may be behaving in an illegal way. Anyone who sees shops selling counterfeit goods, selling e–cigarettes to young people under 18 years of age or sees vapes that may be illegal, can refer such issues to Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice helpline on 0808 223 1133."

Operation Centurion is Lancashire Police’s response to tackling anti-social behaviour. £2m of funding secured from the Government’s Anti-social Behaviour Action Plan will see extra police patrols in areas identified as ASB hotspots, working in conjunction with partner agencies.