A man caused injuries to two people when he smashed a glass bottle over another man’s head in a shop.

Louis Conroy, 30, was charged with two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and one public order offence.

Preston Crown Court heard how on March 9, 2021, at around 7.45pm, two men, Ben Mason and Jamie Shackleton, were inside a shop on Colclough Lane, Burnley having gone to buy alcohol.

As they were approaching the till, Shackleton was hit over the head with a glass bottle by another man in the shop, which smashed on impact.

He suffered cuts to his head and ear and was left covered in blood, while the shattered glass also caused injuries to Mason’s arm.

Prosecuting, Huw Edwards said Shackleton was “simply making his way towards the till and was hit over the head out of nowhere.”

Shackleton then asked the man who he was and he replied “I’m Louis Conroy. You know why I’ve done this.”

Conroy then ran out of the shop and got into a black car around the corner.

Both men were treated for their injuries by paramedics.

On April 7, 2021, police attended a house in Carlton Road, Burnley, and knocked on the door. Conroy appeared in an upstairs window and said he was not going to open the door.

He then got onto the roof of the property and threatened to throw tiles down onto the officers below.

Eventually, he came down from the roof and was arrested. In his police interview, he said he could not remember what happened but confirmed there were previous issues between him and Shackleton.

Mitigating for Conroy, Philip Holden admitted the offending passed the custody threshold and described his client at “fortunate” because “he knows the injuries could have been far more serious.”

Sentencing, Recorder Daniel Lister said: “On March 9, 2021, you came from behind and bottled Jamie Shackleton. That bottle smashed. He was obviously injured and then Ben Mason, who was with him, was also injured.

“There was not any proper motivation for that. It came out of nowhere.

“When the police came to arrest you, you climbed onto your roof and were threatening to throw roofing tiles at the officers who attended.

“You have suffered with addiction to drugs but it’s also clear you have been working hard to deal with your addiction.

“I read positively you are now drug free and that is to your credit.”

Recorder Lister sentenced Conroy, of Clover Hill Road, Nelson, to 11 months in prison suspended for 18 months, and ordered him to undertake 100 hours of unpaid work.