A former police officer has been placed on the police barring list after a misconduct hearing found she breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to a domestic assault incident.

Former officer, PC Shona Harty, whose collar number was 1240, faced a panel, chaired by Chief Constable Chris Rowley, in a hearing on June 29 at Ormskirk police station.

PC Harty was alleged to have been involved in a domestic assault while off duty in which she admitted to aggressive behaviour, something which breached the professional standards associated with being a police officer, and according to the force, amounted to "gross misconduct".

Following the hearing she was found to have breached the code and her conduct found to have amounted to gross misconduct, with the panel deeming that had she still been employed by the force she would have been dismissed.

A notice detailing the alleged breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour read as follows:

“Former Officer 1240 Harty breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour set out in Schedule 2 to the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020 by being involved in a domestic assault incident whilst off duty and admitted to aggressive behaviour.

“The chair found the conduct breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour, namely discreditable conduct, amounted to gross misconduct.

“Former Officer Harty would have been dismissed had she still been a serving police officer and she will now be included on the barred list.”