A new NHS regional body is to review health property and land in Pendle, where there are worries about an alleged lack of health clinic space, doctor and midwife clinic arrangements, pharmacy medicine and staff shortages and ambulance responses.

However, the new body says it is difficult to fund investment in the north because of the low value of existing assets, according to a council report. Pendle Council will need a ‘compelling case’ to justify future NHS funding bids, councillors have been told,

Pendle Council has held initial talks with the new Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), which was launched in government changes last year.

Regional integrated care boards aim to bring different NHS and care services closer-together. They replaced the old local clinical commissioning groups of doctors, community nurses and others.

In Barnoldswick, councillors say primary care services have worsened and become scattered over time and since the pandemic. There are fewer face-to-face services at the Butts health centre and its future is unclear.

More recently, conversion of a Yorkshire Bank into a clinic was criticised as too small. Another NHS body, NHS Property Services Ltd, is also involved with the changes.

Patients from various areas on the Lancashire-Yorkshire border go to Barnoldswick including Pendle, Ribble Valley, Craven and Airedale areas, councillors say.

Pendle Council’s latest West Craven Area Committee had an update on initial talks with Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB.

According to council minutes from May, the new regional ICB was represented by Alistair Rose, director of strategic estates, infrastructure and sustainability; George Hurst, estate advisor; Collette Walsh, deputy director and John Barbour, head of corporate communications.

Pendle councillors there were Lib-Dem David Whipp, Conservative Nadeem Ahmed, Lib-Dem Chris Church and Lib-Dem Mick Strickland.

Also present was Rose Rouse, Pendle Council’s chief executive, and Phillip Spurr, director of place.

The minutes say David Whipp outlined the background of long-standing calls for improved facilities based on a health centre model. An earlier study by a CCG [clinical commissioning group] had not get anywhere due to GP’s lack of support.

Coun Whipp said Pendle Council had previously offered a site for a purpose-built health centre at Rainhall Road car park. He also outlined West Craven GP shortages and pharmacy provision, the minutes add.

The minutes then state: “AR [Alistair Rose] said the Yorkshire Bank facility picks-up the residual services from Butts Clinic, but is not the final answer. He advised that there is difficulty of funding investment in the north due to the low value of existing assets.

“He further advised that we [Pendle Council] would need to come up with a compelling case to get a scheme included in strategic infrastructure plan (owned by NHS England), and work-up a plan and prepare a bid. No current funding programmes are available.”

The minutes add: “CW [Collette Walsh]  referred to the Fuller Report (an NHS report on primary care]. Significant work is under-way in relation to access to primary care; will look at access data in the light of this meeting.”

Coun Chris Church referred to ambulance response times at the ICB meeting, which [he believes] is another indicator of how the health system is letting down local residents, the minutes add.

Regarding  next steps, the minutes state: “GH [George Hurst] is compiling information across the Pendle East PCN [primary care network] in preparation for PCN Estate Strategy, the first draft is expected by the end of the calendar year. RR [Rose Rouse] to explore the potential for joint facilities through the One Public Estate programme and will arrange a site visit. AR [Alistair Rose] is to establish a strategic infrastructure group. Pendle Council will have a presence on this group.”

Speaking at the latest West Craven Area Committee meeting (July), Lib-Dem Coun Chris Church said: “The only little bit of optimism was that the ICB’s director of strategy said the Yorkshire Bank is not the final answer. That was a worry we had. He advised we would need a compelling case to get something included into a plan and proposal for a bid.

“Everything we have said so far shows why we need this. It’s about the perilous state of services. I don’t know what else we can do?”

Coun David Whipp had another update.

He said “I showed Pendle Council’s chief executive and director of place around the health facilities of Barnoldswick recently. Frankly, they were astonished at the parlous state of accommodation. There are Airedale midwives in one place. Burnley midwives in another. Other staff. It was an incoherent mess. It showed the need we have for a single facility with everything under one roof.

“We are due for another chief executive report. I hope we reach a position where we can put in a bid. But it’s a hope rather than a certainty.”

A spokesperson for Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board said this week: “The ICB is undertaking an estates review for the whole of Pendle, which includes Barnoldswick, to inform a long-term comprehensive infrastructure and estates strategy.  This will support future bids for investment funding and any future national programmes for developing health and care services.

“Partners are encouraged to work together as part of a strategic infrastructure group to explore initiatives and creative solutions in the near term, whilst working on longer-term solutions for new services and associated accommodation.  Some of these initiatives are already under way to improve access, including patient experience, in primary care and explore the use of digital technologies to help meet demand.”