A birthday card sent two years ago has finally arrived in Blackburn – just two years late.

Muhammad Faris Mulla who is now 13 was sent the card by his aunt Anisha who lives in the Netherlands.

She had posted it back in June 2021 wishing Muhammad a happy 11th birthday.

Two years later and on Eid day itself the card, miraculously appeared on their doorstep and had been on quite the journey to get there.

The family who live in Beardwood said they were shocked to discover that rather than just crossing the North Sea, the card had been on a globetrotting adventure.

Mum Amena said: “We are glad it has finally got here, even though it took two years.

“His aunt never said anything when she sent it. She must have thought we were being rude for not acknowledging the card.

“She must have just assumed we got it.”

The card was stamped 'Missent to Ho Chi Minh City' and appears to have been redirected to Vietnam, where it remained for two years before the 6,300 mile journey to Blackburn.

The message reads: ‘I hope you have a wonderful party with your friends’.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Muhammad attended Wensley Fold Academy and is now a student at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School.

Amena added: “When he was 11 he was in the final year of his primary school and is now at secondary school. So a lot has happened since.

“We were all really shocked and couldn’t believe it when we got it but such a lovely card to get.

“It was even more touching that it arrived on Eid day itself.

“I guess it is better late than never.”