PLANS for a temporary classroom block for a special school as part of a drive to provide more places for children with special needs in a borough have been revealed.

Blackburn with Darwen Council wants to build the stopgap structure at Newfield School in Old Bank Lane, Shadsworth, while permanent extensions are constructed.

The expansion of the school is part of a wider strategy to prevent children being sent out of the borough for their education.

Council bosses aim to complete the work by September with the block expected to remain for three years until 2026.

While it is in use two permanent extensions to the school will be built.

The expansion of Newfield, the largest of three special schools in Blackburn with Darwen, is part of a wider strategy to tackle the problem.

The longer term plans for it involved extending each end of the existing school to provide six newly-formed class teaching spaces creating an additional 60 places for pupils aged four to 16.

Now the council has applied for planning permission for the temporary classroom block.

A supporting statement says: "This application is made in response to an increase in demand for specialist school places which has seen students being allocated places outside of the borough.

"The proposals are to provide a temporary classroom block for circa three years to facilitate the construction of two extensions to the existing school.

"On completion it is proposed the building will be removed and the site made good.

"Blackburn with Darwen has seen an increase in demand for specialist school places resulting in a number of children that require more specialised placements being offered places out of borough and/or putting additional pressures on existing in borough special schools to accommodate more pupils within their existing estate.

"A location has been selected between the original school building (constructed circa 2004) and the autism spectrum disorder extension (completed in 2018), in the centre of the site.

"This location is rarely used and within the safeguarded perimeter of the existing school.

"The temporary structure is solidly constructed, fitted out to a very high specification and offers a learning environment of similar quality as that found within the existing teaching spaces.

"The approach of erecting a temporary classroom has been pursued specifically to meet a short-term unprecedented need whilst the authority focus on the permanent enlargement of the existing buildings on the site which is expected to commence spring 2024."