The founder of an Accrington charity has spoken of her 'pride' after being recognised with a British Empire Medal (BEM) in the first King’s Birthday Honours. 

Jen Blackwell, 41, of Chorley-founded DanceSyndrome and was honoured for services to disabled people.

DanceSyndrome activities are disability led, with people with learning disabilities taking visible leadership roles to inspire people. 

The charity offers weekly inclusive dance workshops, their own accredited leadership training, and high quality and exceptional performances at a variety of events including performing at the prestigious Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August. 

Jen said: “I’m amazed to receive this honour for what I love doing. I’m proud of who I am and the achievements of DanceSyndrome. 

“It’s an honour to inspire others to dance and live a life of their choosing. I believe that everybody can dance and do things they love no matter how other people define us.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Jen also has Down's syndrome and after she left school, alongside her mum, Sue, spent 10 years searching for the right dance training opportunities that would allow her to follow her dream to be a dance leader and performer. 

After all those years of searching, they couldn't find anything that was accessible for Jen because of her learning disability so in 2009 they took matters into their own hands and set up their own organisation, DanceSyndrome.

Lancashire Telegraph:

The charity has also been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

DanceSyndrome managing director Julie Nicholson said “Everyone at DanceSyndrome is so proud of Jen and we are thrilled to see her recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours. 

“This is so well deserved after many years of hard work on the part of Jen, her family, and the team of dancers. Jen has always wanted to change the world through her dance and when she is given accolades like this it demonstrates the huge difference that one person can make if they are determined and dedicated. 

“It’s great to see success on this level and really shows what can be achieved when people with learning disabilities are properly included and supported to follow their dreams.”

This is not the first time that Jen and the DanceSyndrome team have been recognised for their work. 

The charity has been the recipient of many local and national awards over the last 10 years, most notably receiving the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE equivalent for volunteer groups.