A LOCAL authority is relaunching its free and cheap health and fitness programme this month.

The Blackburn with Darwen Council move has been revealed by the borough's health and wellbeing boss Cllr Damian Talbot.

In a report to the council's health and adult social care overview and scrutiny committee he says: "Blackburn with Darwen Council provide a range of leisure services and offers, which are delivered across council-owned leisure facilities and other community spaces.

"These services ranges from traditional paid gym memberships for Leisure Centres and the re:fresh programme - re:fresh incorporates a programme of activities designed to encourage residents to be more physically active, to eat healthily and look after their mental health.

"A key element of re:fresh is the provision of low-cost (£1) exercise sessions within council leisure centres.

"This includes designated swimming pool and gym sessions for adults who live, work, have a GP or are in full-time education in the borough.

"Further sessions also branded under re:fresh include community-based activities requiring a referral from a health professional.

"A new timetable for the re:fresh Leisure programme has now been developed for 2023/24 which includes an increased number of sessions, now 110 hours.

"The additional sessions include several child and family swimming sessions.

"Whilst the previous £1 charge for adult gym and swim re:fresh sessions will be reintroduced, swimming will continue to be free for children aged between one and 16 years where they are accompanied by a parent or guardian eligible for re:fresh.

"A sustained campaign with membership reductions has been ongoing to encourage more leisure centre members to join on a long-term basis.

"A year on year comparison of the membership base showed an increase of 30 per cent across the three leisure centre sites at February 2023.

"This has helped to support the recovery of the service post-pandemic and mitigate against the significant rises in energy costs required to run the leisure centres.

"To promote the new re:fresh programme a six week communications campaign has been developed and an official launch will take place in mid-June.

" Appropriate assets have been developed including promotion on bus stops and digital display boards. Hard copy leaflets have been produced.

"Communications materials have also been redesigned to encourage attendance by underrepresented groups and include images representative of the borough’s diverse communities.

"Further free community-based sessions have been introduced targeting specific population groups known to undertake less physical activity than recommended.

"This includes those living with poor mental and physical health, older adults, vulnerable women and girls, people with learning disabilities and autism, and ethnic minority groups.

"The activities have included women’s walking football, wheelchair basketball and other sports, seated exercise, walking groups, zumba and yoga."