A man subjected his partner to a weekend of harassment after she ended their relationship.

Blackburn magistrates heard Mark Parkinson bombarded the victim with calls, texts and e-mails, turned up at her house and spoke to her seven year old daughter who was playing in a park.

The victim described his behaviour as “bizarre” and said she had nightmares and was scared of what he might do.

Parkinson, 41, of Pilmuir Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to harassment on a limited basis. The case was adjourned for a hearing when evidence would be called to establish the facts.

Jane Rappin, prosecuting, said the couple had been in a relationship for just three months. On Friday night she asked him to leave and ended the relationship.

“He did leave but returned and there was an argument,” said Miss Rappin. “At 3am the next morning he started calling and leaving messages, asking why they couldn’t sort things out and threatening to kill himself.”

He continued to call on Saturday and on Sunday sent an e-mail saying he was inside her house.

“She called the police and removed him from the premises,” said Miss Rappin.

“There was then an incident when he went to a park where her seven-year-old child was playing. He approached the child and asked where her mum was. On Tuesday she heard banging on her front door and looked out so see him despite him having been warned by the police to stay away.”

Miss Rappin said Parkinson had convictions for assault, malicious communications and breach of a restraining order in 2012, harassment and breach of a restraining order in 2013 and malicious communications in 2017.

“On this latest occasion it was persistent behaviour which caused a significant degree of distress,” said Miss Rappin.

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said his client pleaded guilty on a limited basis.

He completely rejected the claim he had approached the child in the park and said there was telephone evidence which showed there had been a two-way dialogue between the couple.

“She announced on Friday, without any warning, that the relationship was over because it was moving too quickly,” said Mr Taylor.

“He was left confused. He had invested a lot in the relationship and he wasn’t given any good reason why it should end.”