Three leisure industry workers are taking advantage of this year’s longest day to highlight and raise money for two charitable organisations supporting people struggling with their mental health.

The intrepid trio of Paul Foster, deputy chief executive, Alexis Turner, beat the street co-ordinator, and Martin Dixon, business and finance manager at Burnley Leisure and Culture, will be stepping out at sunrise, 4.39am on Wednesday June 21, and will keep walking for more than 17 hours until sunset, which is 9.41pm.

They are now appealing for anyone with experience of mental health difficulties, or who knows someone who has suffered, or is suffering, to join them as they step out on their Summer Solstice Walking Challenge at the Barden Athletics Track.

They are walking for Casual Minds Matter and Six Connections and representatives from both organisations will be joining them on the day.

Mr Foster says: “We constantly promote the connection between healthy bodies and healthy minds at BLC, and we actively support the belief that everyone deserves to be happy and healthy.

“Anyone and everyone is invited to join us for as long or as little as they like. But we’re using the walk to advocate voluntary adversity, and we’ll do our best to help anyone who wants to push themselves out of their comfort zone to keep going at times of struggle, whether that be physically or mentally.

“Whether you’re part of a business, community group, school, or just an individual who loves to walk, come and get your steps in with us.”

This year’s trio are following in the footsteps of three colleagues who completed the challenge during last summer’s heatwave.

Andrea Pollard, BLC’s events and partnerships manager, was joined by Scott Bryce, head of group operations, and sports activator Shrona Pilling. Between them, they walked a combined total of 143 miles, made more than 600 laps of Barden Athletics track and took more than 300,000 steps in smashing their £1,500 target for mental health charity Lancashire Mind.

If you are interested in joining in all or some of the walk, contact Andrea Pollard:

Alternatively, you can sponsor the walkers here: