A controversial planning application for 200 homes on farmland will be decided by a full meeting of a local authority on Wednesday night in a rare procedural move.

The decision on the housing scheme at Hollins Cross Farm, Woodplumpton Road on the edge of Rose Hill will be taken by an extraordinary meeting of Burnley Council.

It follows a vote by the authority's development control (DC) committee in March to reject the application over flooding fears.

The meeting was the third to consider the proposal by Prospect Homes on a site allocated for housing in the council's Local Plan.

At the March 9 meeting the council's head of development control Paul Gatrell warned councillors that they 'would not have delegated authority to pass such a resolution as this would be a decision that was substantially contrary to the Local Plan'.

It was then referred to the authority's legal boss Catherine Waudby.

She has ruled: "The planning officers consider that with the addition of the conditions recommended the flood risk on site is sufficiently controlled and mitigated.

"The objectors have not shown the new development will result in an increased flood risk, only that it might.

"I agree that to refuse the planning application for the reasons stated would be a decision that is substantially contrary to the Local Plan.

"My decision means that the planning application will need to be referred to Full Council for determination."

Her highly unusual ruling infuriated the local residents' group and Liberal Democrat group leader and local councillor Gordon Birtwistle who moved rejection of the proposal which was passed by seven votes to six.

Wednesday night's special meeting will consider the application and a report from senior council officials recommending approval with a developer contribution of £1.25million towards education, off-site public open spaces, biodiversity, bus service improvements, a new road junction, and bin provision.

Prospect Homes will also be required to provide 10 per cent of the new homes as affordable housing.

The report says: "The application would normally be determined by the council’s DC committee but is referred to the full council for determination because the resolution of the DC committee which would have been to refuse planning permission would be substantially contrary to the adopted Local Plan.

"The council’s constitution does not give delegated authority to the DC committee to make a decision in circumstances where it would be substantially contrary to the Local Plan.

"Taking into consideration the technical reports submitted with the application and the addition of conditions the planning officers consider the flood risk on site is sufficiently controlled and mitigated.

"Officers are satisfied that the conditions included would adequately deal with drainage matters.

"This proposal should be approved without delay."