A school which is currently outstanding ‘may not’ get the same rating if inspected again, an inspectorate has said.

Pleckgate High School in Pleckgate Road, Blackburn, is still rated ‘outstanding’ but following an ungraded inspection, inspectors said that if the school were to have a graded inspection, the grade ‘may not be as high’.

Inspectors said that the school needs to make two improvements following the recent visit.

The report said: “In a small number of subjects, the subject knowledge of some staff is variable. In these subjects, staff do not always deliver subject content as clearly as they should.

“This affects the learning of some pupils in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that all staff are confidently equipped with the knowledge they need to deliver the subjects they teach effectively.

“In a minority of subjects, staff do not use assessment strategies consistently well. In these subjects, staff do not identify what pupils know and remember in lessons as well as they should.

“In other cases, assessments do not help staff to clearly identify what pupils know and remember over time.

“Leaders should ensure that all staff know how to make effective use of assessment strategies to identify what pupils know and remember in all subjects.”

Other than these improvements, inspectors published a glowing report about the school stating that pupils, in the most part, benefit from high-quality teaching and enjoy learning.

The school has a calm and respectful culture and the vast majority of pupils ‘quickly learn and demonstrate the positive behaviours that staff model and teach’.

Inspectors did note however that a small proportion of pupils struggle to consistently live up to staff’s high expectations and occasionally ‘interrupt the positive experiences of others’.

The leaders have developed a suitably broad and balanced curriculum and pupils take advantage of the range of subjects to support their aspirations.

Pupils with SEND are identified well and information is used to adapt activities and provide the right environment for these pupils to learn well in lessons.

Beyond lessons, experienced staff provide additional enhanced support for pupils with more complex or specific needs.

The report added: “For the most part, pupils, including those from less advantaged backgrounds and those with SEND, know and remember more in the subjects they study.

“This helps them to progress through the curriculum and attain well in most of the qualifications they take.”

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.