A primary school described by pupils as ‘amazing, friendly and welcoming’ continues to be ‘good’.

St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School, Padiham, was visited by Ofsted on March 28 and 29.

Inspectors said that pupils are well mannered and respectful and enjoy coming to school, describing it as ‘amazing, friendly and welcoming’.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievement which pupils live up to.

The report said: “They act as wonderful ambassadors for their school.

“Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.

“Pupils behave well in school.

“Older pupils relish their responsibility to ensure that behaviour in the corridors at breaktimes is safe and orderly.”

Bullying is dealt with effectively and pupils feel confident speaking to staff with any concerns.

Overall, teachers implement the curriculum as leaders intend but in a small number of subjects, some teachers do not teach the key facts that pupils need to know and remember effectively.

Staff work with parents and external professionals to identify quickly any pupils who may have additional needs.

The report adds: “Timely and appropriate support is put in place to ensure that pupils with SEND can follow the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

“These pupils are fully included in the life of the school. They achieve well.”

The phonics programme is well received and teachers regularly check the sounds that pupils know.

Inspector said that strategies in place to help those who are finding reading more difficult to catch up with their peers but these are not always successful.

The report adds: “Some pupils are not catching up as quickly as they should. Some are unable to blend sounds to make words.

“This is hindering their ability to follow the curriculum in other areas.”

Pupils learn about different faiths and cultures and learn how important it is to respect and celebrate differences.

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.