A taxi driver from Burnley says he is terrified to go back to work after being set upon by several passengers.

Tariq Ullah Seultama was left with a broken nose, fractured cheekbone and swollen eyes, after being repeatedly being punched in the head following a disagreement.

Lancashire Police has said its investigation is currently closed until further information comes to light.

On May 2, Mr Seultama said he was taking four passengers to Brunshaw Road in Burnley, but was subjected to an “an unrelenting and vicious attack” when he refused to pick up a fifth passenger.

Lancashire Telegraph: Tariq Ullah SeultamaTariq Ullah Seultama (Image: Tariq Ullah Seultama)

He said: “The passengers asked if a fifth person could enter the vehicle but I said I could not do this due to insurance restrictions.

“Before that, the passengers were fine and talking to me about my life and job.”

According to Mr Seultama, a man outside the vehicle started punching him in the face through the driver's side window.

Other passengers in the vehicle reportedly joined in, subjecting him to an onslaught of blows until he could drive to safety.

Mr Seultama said: “When I said this [that the fifth passenger couldn't get in] the man started punching my face.

"Behind me, the passengers started punching my face and head.

“I started driving to the town centre hoping someone could help me. When I stopped my car they ran away.

“My face was swollen and I was covered in blood.”

Compassionate passersby rushed to his aid and the attacking passengers fled.

In pain and covered in blood, Mr Seultama then headed to Burnley police station to report the attack.

A broken nose, fractured cheekbones, and extensive swelling around his eyes are just some of the injuries he sustained.

Mr Seultama even had to undergo surgery on May 17 to repair his nose.

He has also suffered mental damage and has been left feeling traumatised by the attack, scared to return to work.

He said: “It has left me unable to work. It has made me scared to even go back to work as a taxi driver.

“It’s not just me, my family is scared and worried too. My wife and young children cried when they saw my face and all of the blood.”

Mr Seultama is now encouraging witnesses or anyone with CCTV to come forward to help catch those responsible.

He said: “I haven’t received an update from police yet so would encourage anyone with information or CCTV to come forward.”

A Lancashire Police spokesperson said: “This was reported to us and has been investigated.

"The matter has now been closed pending further information coming to light.

“Anyone with further information is asked to contact 101, quoting log 87 of May 2.”