A borough's lawn mowers have sprung into action after ward councillors highlighted overgrown grass that was turning a suburban neighbourhood into 'a jungle'.

Spring Hill's Labour representatives Cllrs Munsif Dad and Kimberley Whitehead were deluged with complaints from residents about the problem.

Now Hyndburn Council's environment team has turned up with their lawn mowers to tackle the fast flourishing undergrowth.

Cllr Dad, leader of the authority's Labour group, said:"The Conservative-led council are letting residents down in Spring Hill and Ferngore when the council is not able to cut grass which is more than two feet high in many residential areas, including Broadfield Road, Richmond Road, and Lynton Road, Accrington.

"Many disappointed residents have been complaining to us of the second class service provided by their local authority.

"Spring Hill and Ferngore is becoming a jungle.

"Rubbish is also being blown into the long grass and potentially attracting vermin.

"The council are failing in their basic duties.

"After intervention by myself and ward colleague Cllr Kimberley Whitehead the grass cutting that had been 'missed' has begun and we've asked for reassurance from Hyndburn Borough Council that this won't happen again."