Children are happy and safe at a nursery which has been rated ‘good’ in its first inspection.

Playdor Nursery School, on Bank Parade, Burnley, has been rated ‘good’ by Ofsted following an inspection on March 7.

The provider registered with Ofsted in January 2021, and this marked the site's first inspection.

The inspector noted how children settle quickly on arrival at the ‘warm and welcoming nursery’, with children feeling happy and safe.

The report reads: “Children form strong and caring bonds with their key persons.

“Babies who are settling in get plenty of cuddles and individual care, which helps them to become confident within the nursery environment.

“Children behave well and form good friendships with each other.”

Inspectors said that the children have access to a range of interesting resources and activities, showing delight as they explore and create different sounds and noises with musical instruments.

The school provides a clear curriculum, with speech and language being a focus. Inspectors said that staff support all children's language development effectively.

Despite this, on occasion, some staff do not fully utilise opportunities to promote children's early communication and language skills to the fullest.

SEND pupils are supported well and have individual plans to meet their development needs.

Staff ensure that children can practise their small-muscle skills to help them with their early writing.

The report adds: “Inquisitive toddlers mould dough and carefully use their finger and thumb to roll tiny balls, enabling them to look closer.

“Pre-school children relish the writing table resources to make marks and letters.

“Staff provide extra challenge and add tongs into the role play kitchen, which strengthens hand grip.”

Children are given a broad range of healthy foods and are encouraged to try new foods.

Parents are happy with how quickly their children have settled into this ‘home-from-home setting’ and say they feel well informed about their children's learning and development.

Safeguarding arrangements are effective.