A DRUNKEN pedestrian lashed out when he was refused service at the drive-thru window at McDonald's in Accrington.

Blackburn magistrates heard Jordan Mullin punched and kicked service hatch windows at the restaurant with such force that staff feared he would gain entry and pressed the panic button which alerted the police.

The court was told Mullin walked around the building and used a brick to smash a large front window causing £2,255 worth of damage.

Mullin, 27, of Stanley Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to criminal damage. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement, fined £40 and ordered to pay £500 compensation.

Passing sentence the chairman of the magistrates said it had been a sustained attack which had caused the staff who were working to fear for their safety.

“They were so concerned they pressed the emergency button to call the police,” he added.

Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, said Mullin and another man had approached the drive-thru window at 4.15am. They started banging on the window asking for food but were told they could not be served because they were not in a vehicle.

“The defendant became very irate and started banging on the window and shouting at staff,” said Miss Kenyon.

“The manageress was fearful she would be assaulted if Mullin got inside.”

After punching and kicking one window he moved to the next and started kicking and punching that.

“The manageress pressed the emergency button and shortly after heard a loud crack from the front of the shop and discovered a large window had been cracked,” said Miss Kenyon.

Peter King, defending, said his client had become angry and acted out of frustration.