A second application has been submitted to convert Gib Hill into a nature reserve after the original plans were withdrawn.

Pendle Council submitted an application to Natural England to designate Gib Hill as a Local Nature Reserve in March but withdrew it earlier this month.

On Friday (April 21) the council resubmitted the application having completed further work on the application.

A council statement said: "This application reflects the council’s commitment to preserving the land above Nelson and Colne as a Local Nature Reserve to conserve precious ecology and for everyone to enjoy.

"The recent decision to withdraw the planning application was taken by council staff with no input from councillors."

It added this was done to allow further work to be completed on the application and it’s expected the updated plans will be resubmitted in the coming weeks.

This will ensure that it is as "comprehensive as possible" and is in line with the Management Plan and reflects its objectives around visiting and access.

The statement continued: "It in no way undermines the council’s ongoing commitment to the scheme and the future of Gib Hill as a Local Nature Reserve."

The council release added the authority is "very excited" to create a Local Nature Reserve which is within walking distance of 3,385 children and young people from seven educational establishments.

The 39 acres at Gib Hill will more than double the acreage devoted to Local Nature Reserves in Pendle.

Speaking after the first application was submitted, Council leader Cllr Nadeem Ahmed said then: “Local nature reserves are for people and for wildlife and offer our community the chance to learn about nature or simply to enjoy it.

“The next step is for the council to work in partnership to develop a declaration document and management plan and submit it to Natural England.”

Councillors agreed the Gib Hill Working Group would take on the management of the reserve once it was designated.

This group includes councillors, representatives from Lancashire Wildlife Trust, campaigners Hillside Heroes, other nature reserve friends’ groups and Nelson and Colne Town Councils.