Children and teenagers coming into police custody will benefit from a £1.3million trial to help them with mental health support.

Young people who come into custody in Blackburn will be able to access the support provided by Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust, the University of Warwick and the Cardiff Centre for Clinical Trials Research.

The Solutions trial, funded by the Youth Endowment Fund, will be delivered by the health trusts Liaison and Diversion team who will work with over 400 young people aged between 10 and 15.

Young people in custody suites in Preston and Blackpool will also benefit.

As part of the support package, the trust will provide an additional six sessions of therapy on a one-to-one basis as part of a randomised clinical trial which will take place over the next 12 months.

Local principal investigator at the trust, Louise Hamer said: “Children and young people who come into contact with the police often need help.

“It is hoped this enhanced support will show young people that they are seen and heard by professionals.

“We want young people to feel as though they matter and see that there are people who believe in them and want their life to be better.

“We let them know that there is an alternative future available, one that is free from violence and with support from our specially trained therapists, we will work with them to achieve their goals.”

Children and young people who take part in the trial will receive the enhanced therapy in addition to the routine treatment they would usually get after being referred to the team.

The trial will be evaluated by the research team at the University of Warwick and Cardiff University Centre for Trials Research Trials.