A SHOPLIFTER who hit a member of staff over the head with a box of Maltesers got a cut price deal when he came to court.

Blackburn magistrates heard Nasir Shraft stole a bag of toiletries worth £200 before the assault.

But Carl Gaffney, prosecuting, said the items were on offer at the time.

"The claim for compensation, quite fairly, is just £100," said Mr Gaffney.

Shraft, 42, of Pine Street, Nelson, pleaded guilty to theft of toiletries worth £100 from Wilkinsons and assaulting Lauren Collier. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

He was ordered to pay £100 compensation and £114 victim surcharge.

Mr Gaffney said Shraft had loaded a bag with toiletries and then went to the till with a box of Maltesers which he paid for.

"When he was challenged about what he had stolen he hit the assistant on the back of the head with the Maltesers," said Mr Gaffey.

"Good for her, she pushed him away and slapped at him to keep him away from her. A security officer came to help and the defendant squared up to him before leaving the store.

Geoff Ireland, defending, said his client accepted hitting the store assistant across the back of the head with a box of Maltesers.

"He says she did more than just slap him in return but he probably deserved it and we will say no more about that," said Mr Ireland.