Families who bury their loved one in the new Muslim burial section at a Blackburn cemetery may be expected to sign up to a new set of rulings and conditions.

A document has been shared during Ramadan which details some of the changes which were being proposed.

It includes a number of updates to the existing terms and conditions, with consultation being taken with local Muslim burial groups and representatives.

The consultation is due to run until Friday, April 21, and relates to the new section of the Pleasington cemetery in Blackburn.

The new Muslim section of the cemetery, includes a prayer facility, with Muslim funeral prayers themselves tending to last less than 20 minutes, and many people leaving the cemetery once prayers have concluded.

An updated registration form, which must be completed and signed by the bereaved family, includes details many people will already be aware of.

It also asks people to fill in the number of people likely to attend the funeral with options of up to 25, 20 to 49, and over 50'.

People are reminded vehicles must be parked within designated parking areas and funerals ‘may be delayed’ if vehicles causes an obstruction within the cemetery.

It adds: "Marshalls and cemetery operatives will guide you to park safely within the cemetery if you are struggling."

People will not be permitted to make the grave area ‘larger’ and all ‘memorialisation must be permitted by BRAMM (British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons) / NAMM (National Association of Memorial Masons) regulations only with written permission from the council’.

Owners must also ensure their grave is ‘kept as a lawned cemetery and nothing should be placed on to the grave, mound or mid-feather at any time. This includes concrete, flowers, plants, ornaments, fencing, trees, bricks etc. If any items are placed they will be removed immediately.’

All mounds must be ‘no more than six inches tall. Any mounds found to be greater be reduced immediately.’

Blackburn with Darwen Council said the consultation seeks to update existing terms and conditions.

Director of Environment and Operations, Martin Eden, said: “The interment form which we’ve shared with Blackburn Muslim Burial Society members forms part of a consultation on updates to the existing terms and conditions of burials, following a move to using the burial grounds in the new cemetery extension within Pleasington cemetery.

“This consultation is due to close on Friday 21 and all responses will be considered before finalising the terms.”

A source close to the Blackburn Muslim Burial Society (BMBS), which is run by volunteers told us the group had already raised objections to some of the proposals.