SIGNS proposed for a new Tesco Express store on a main road between two towns have horrified nearby residents.

The adverts on the shop on the site of the former Hollins Grove Liberal Club at the junction of the A666 Blackburn Road and Falcon Avenue in Darwen have been approved despite the hostile reaction.

A report consenting to the signage by Blackburn with Darwen Council planning officer Emily Colebourne says: "Application 10/21/0148 granted planning approval for the erection of a convenience store and 16 customer parking spaces. Advertisement consent is now sought for various advertisements.

"One projecting sign will be located off the front elevation of the proposed Tesco. The acrylic letters on the sign are proposed to be internally illuminated.

"Five fascia signs are proposed to be located on the convenience store.

"One freestanding pole mounted hello/goodbye sign will also be installed at the entrance/exit to the car park of the convenience store.

"A gantry sign measuring three metres in height will be situated at the junction of Falcon Avenue with Blackburn Road."

Public comments received by Blackburn with Darwen Council planners include: * proposed signs are too intrusive and look like a town centre large store instead of a local store in a residential area; * potential lighting with the advertisements will cause an issue for residents as they will be an eyesore visually on the landscape; * we understand that certain signs will have to be up but nothing on a large scale like this; * we feel these signs are a blight on the landscape; * the large gantry signs and the hello/goodbye sign would be a carbuncle on the landscape and the illumination would be problematic to residents; and * the illuminated gantry sign would be extremely intrusive.

Ms Colebourne's report says: "Objections have been received from nearby residents stating that the some of the proposed signs are intrusive, excessive and imposing.

"Whilst various signs are proposed, cumulatively they are considered neither excessive nor overly intrusive when assessed against the commercial corridor of the A666.

"The proposed signage is typical for supermarket stores such as these and the signage is not considered to be overly dominant, nor would the proposed signs result in cluttering of the area or excessive advertising."