RESIDENTS on a flagship housing estate have been left 'in limbo' with half-finished streets and gardens and drains blocked with concrete after the main building contractor went bust.

The state of the development has been branded 'a bit of a disaster' by its local councillor.

So far 17 homeowners have moved into the Watermills estate on the former Sappi Paper Mill site in Livesey Branch Road, Feniscowles, Blackburn.

The scheme will eventually see 450 new houses and four job-creating light industrial units.

It also includes a major 'spine road' between Moulden Brow and Livesey Branch Road of which only the main entrance has so far been finished.

Work on the project stalled in mid-January with 17 properties completed and another 89 under construction.

Now the landowner and main developer Manchester-based Black Pearl Homes Ltd has revealed the delay was caused by main contractor Bradford-based Torpoint (Civils) Ltd going into administration at the end of that month.

Its managing director Bjorn Martenson has pledged to employ new contractors to progress the work soon.

The problems surfaced at Blackburn with Darwen's full Council Forum last week.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Seventeen properties have been completed and another 89 are under construction.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Local councillor Mark Russell tackled the authority's growth boss Quesir Mahmood as he was giving an update on residential developments in the borough.

The Livesey with Pleasington ward Conservative said: "It's quite odd to give an update on house building without mentioning that development has stopped, temporarily at least, on the Sappi site - the Watermills site.

"And that has left quite a few of my residents who have already moved into those houses in limbo.

"Streets are unfinished, pavements are unfinished, the public areas are unfinished, their gardens are unfinished.

"What they want to know is what the council is going to do about it?

"Also will you give a guarantee that in a worst case scenario where development doesn't start again, where the developers walk away and they are left in limbo with unfinished streets will the council adopt those streets, bring them up to standard and maintain them because at the minute they are half finished, there's no street lighting, the drains are blocked by concrete, and it's a bit of a disaster."

Lancashire Telegraph:

Cllr Mahmood replied: "In terms of the Sappi site and the difficulties with that, I think they are recognised and our growth team colleagues are working with the developer to make sure that can actually be taken forward.

"I am confident that those elements will be resolved.

"The adoption of streets are some of the last things that happen so I'm not going to adopt those streets until that development has come forward. I will be looking to adopt them further down the line."

After the exchange, the Local Democracy Service contacted Mr Martenson.

He said: “Unfortunately, the main contractor at the Watermills site went into administration this month.

"We’d been working hard behind the scenes to try and manage the situation to enable work to continue, but this wasn’t possible.

"We have taken steps to secure the site and provide a safe environment to the existing residents.

"We’ve also been actively liaising with the local authority and have already implemented a plan for the continuation of infrastructure works.

"We are committed to delivering the Watermills community and are working on solutions to get the homes completed as soon as possible.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Cllr Russell said: "I'm pleased Black Pearl remain committed to the site. It's in everybody's interest for a new housebuilder to be appointed as soon as possible.

"The council, developer and residents all need the site to get back on track. Residents should be kept more in the loop about progress and timescales.

"I'd like to see the council exercise its option to take over construction of the spine road through the site. Other housing developments have already been approved on the basis of it being complete."

Official records show that Torpoint (Civils) Ltd was dissolved on January 31.