Three objections have been made to controversial proposals for a new £12 million leisure centre which a campaigning Labour councillor claims leaves the scheme 'in tatters'.

The plan for the new complex at Wilsons Playing Fields in Clayton-le-Moors would replace the swimming pool and gym in Great Harwood's historic Mercer Hall.

Now Sport England, Lancashire County Council as lead local flood authority (LLFA) and Hyndburn Council's ecology officer have lodged objections to the planning application for the scheme.

The project manager for the centre and borough leader Cllr Miles Parkinson have expressed confidence their concerns can be dealt with during the planning process.

Cllr Colin McKenzie, who represents Great Harwood's Overton ward, said: "These three objections leave Hyndburn Council's plans for Wilsons Playing Fields in tatters.

"Cllr Parkinson and his colleagues in the Conservative coalition must think again about this proposal and the removal of the swimming pool from Great Harwood.

"Hyndburn Council’s controversial plans to relocate a swimming pool from Great Harwood to Wilsons appear to have been all but demolished following this triple whammy of key objections."

Hyndburn Council's ecologist has warned planners the failure so far to obtain an Endangered Species Survey for roosting bats at Wilsons leaves planning officers with no lawful alternative but to refuse the application.

Lancashire County Council has lodged an objection due to the lack of a drainage plan on a site prone to flooding.

Sport England have objected over the loss of existing playing field space and warning that that the ‘construction management plan is not fit for purpose’.

Cllr McKenzie said “Sport England’s report is damning. Cllr Parkinson wanted them onboard and has told the public that £2m from Sport England would contribute to the £12m costs of the pool.

"It’s a totally predictable outcome from a project that’s been shambolic from the outset.

“My biggest concern is that they are planning an expensive white elephant for Altham.

"There may be a case for a new pool somewhere in Hyndburn, but that requires careful planning, and it needs the right location."

Clayton-le-Moors Labour councillor Melissa Fisher said “While the premise of a pool in Clayton is fantastic, the Wilsons site has proven to be problematic."

A spokesman for Alliance Leisure, the scheme's project manager, said: "A total of three objections from Sport England, the LLFA and Ecology have been received.

"The consultant design team will proactively work to overcome these objections.

"The objection received from ecology will be overcome once the consultant is legally permitted to undertake the required bat survey.

"This is a major planning application, the determination period for which includes time to allow the applicant team to ensure the information provided is sufficient and acceptable."

Cllr Parkinson said: "The council is committed to strengthening leisure provision across Hyndburn and has taken a strategic approach.

"The proposed new facility will provide more opportunities for people to participate in regular physical activity and will be more financially viable.

"We have appointed an expert consultant design team to this project. They are working closely with stakeholders, including Sport England, to address the issues raised."