POLICE responded to numerous calls from the public reporting men fighting in the street.

Blackburn magistrates heard officers who arrested Philip Craig Mortimer recovered a knife and a metal baseball bat from the scene Rakes House Road, Nelson.

Mortimer, 28, of Rakes House Road, Nelson, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis with intent to supply, possession of a knife and an offensive weapon in a public place.

He was sentenced to 24 weeks in prison suspended for 18 months wit 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement, six months drug rehabilitation activity requirement and 40 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £128 victim surcharge.

Bilal Saeed, prosecuting, said Mortimer had pleaded guilty on the basis that he had supplied cannabis to his friends, that he was only in possession of the knife for a very short period of time after it was handed to him by his brother.

He said when police arrested Mortimer they found the knife in a nearby bush.

“The police had been told that men were fighting on the street and weapons were being used,” said Mr Saeed. “The cannabis was found in the defendant’s vehicle.”

Laura Heywood, defending, said her client had been out searching for his brother when a group of men approached him and threatened to harm his dog.

“His brother then appeared with a knife and a baseball bat,” said Miss Heywood. “He threw the knife away very quickly.”

She said it had been a very small amount of cannabis that was found in her client’s car.