A café in Darwen market is doing a ‘pay it forward’ scheme where customers can buy a meal for someone else in need.

Laura Jenkinson, owner of Sweet Vintage, started the ‘Ask for Jade’ initiative around six months ago after she noticed families weren’t coping well coming out of the pandemic and amid the cost of living crisis.

Anyone who is struggling financially or just wants some company can come into the shop on Croft Street, Darwen and ‘Ask for Jade’ by selecting a post it note from the notice board to claim for free.

‘Ask for Jade’, which is named after Jade Patterson who was the first person to donate to the scheme, has also funded free hot school meals for children during half term.

Lancashire Telegraph: Ask for Jade noticeboardAsk for Jade noticeboard (Image: Jade Patterson)

Laura, who has run the shop for just under four years, said: “It was something I’ve been thinking of doing for a while because I’ve seen it done in other areas.

"I’m a local school governor so I understand how difficult it’s been for families coming out of the pandemic and going through this difficult situation at the moment.

“We felt that as a community we can come together to support people with less income during these hard times.”

The noticeboard is topped up by Jade and customers can choose from a hot drink and a cake, soup and a roll.

Other customers are also welcome to go in and pay a coffee or a cake forward as part of the scheme to support struggling families.

Sweet Vintage is a traditional sweet shop, toy and gift emporium, and traditional tea room based outside of the Market Hall in Darwen that sells homemade cakes, snacks and drinks.