Family members have paid tribute to a 14-year-old East Lancashire boy who has died.

Alfie James Watson, from Darwen, died suddenly in February and his heartbroken family has left tributes for the teen and say their lives “will never be the same without him.”

The family has since set up a fundraiser, the money of which will be donated to Manchester Children’s Hospital and funeral costs.

Alfie’s sister, Courtney Truesdale, said the last few weeks have left the family feeling “broken”.

Lancashire Telegraph: Courtney Truesdale with Alfie WatsonCourtney Truesdale with Alfie Watson (Image: Courtney Truesdale with Alfie Watson)

The 24-year-old said: “Losing our little man unexpectedly has truly broken us. We are a very close family and Alfie was the baby of us all, our lives will never be the same without him.

“We have come together to support each other especially my mum, Sonhia Truesdale, who is the best mum me and Alfie could ask for.

“Love and strength is what will keep us going.”

Courtney said Alfie was a kind boy who loved playing football and spending time with his loved ones.

Lancashire Telegraph: Alfie Watson with mum Sonhia Truesdale Alfie Watson with mum Sonhia Truesdale (Image: CourtneyTruesdale)

She said: “Alfie was the sweetest, kindest most loving boy who was always cuddling and kissing me and my mum. He was never scared of showing affection.

“He loved playing football, staying up too late playing on his Xbox and eating McDonald’s like any other 14-year-old lad.

“He always wanted to make us laugh and he loved spending time with his family - that was his favourite thing to do, as long as he was with us he was happy.”

Lancashire Telegraph: (L-R) Courtney Truesdale, Alfie Watson and Sonhia Truesdale (L-R) Courtney Truesdale, Alfie Watson and Sonhia Truesdale (Image: Courtney Truesdale)

After Alfie died Courtney set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for the paediatric intensive care unit at Manchester Children’s Hospital. Some of the funds will also be used to pay for Alfie’s funeral.

More than £4,000 has been raised already and Courtney said she and the family are grateful to anyone who has donated.

She said: “We are overwhelmed and very grateful for the support we have received, it means we can give Alfie the most special day he deserves.

Lancashire Telegraph: Alfie Watson with Courtney TruesdaleAlfie Watson with Courtney Truesdale (Image: Courtney Truesdale)

“Mum is very grateful for the kind messages and wants to pass on her gratitude to everyone. We will never get over losing our boy, our hearts are broken but we will stay strong just like Alfie did through everything.

“We love you so much little man.”

Blackburn junior football club, Mill Hill Juniors FC, posted a tribute to Alfie on Facebook. All teams also had a minute’s silence at the start of March.

Lancashire Telegraph: Courtney Truesdale with Alfie Watson Courtney Truesdale with Alfie Watson (Image: Courtney Truesdale)

Posting to Facebook they said: “This weekend we ask all teams to hold a minute's silence as we mourn the passing of ‘Our Champion’ Alfie ‘Watto’ Watson.

“Sadly Alfie died this week and we are all very devastated at the sudden and sobering news of his passing.

“We cannot try to think what his family are going through at this very upsetting time. As a club we will try to support them in giving Alfie the respect he deserves when all of our teams come together this weekend in a minutes silence.

“Alfie started his football journey as five-year-old with Little Lions before starting his grassroots journey with us at under sevens through to the under 14s.

“He had an infectious smile and a wicked right foot amongst many more key attributes to being our champion.”

Alfie’s funeral will take place at 12.15pm on March 17, at Pleasington Crematorium.

You can make a donation to the GoFundMe by visiting: