A paddock currently used for grazing could add more than 70 new homes built to a village if the council approves plans.

Oakmere Homes Ltd has applied to Ribble Valley Council for permission to build 17 houses and 57 apartments with associated access, roads, car parking, landscaping and infrastructure, including a public car park to serve Whalley town centre, on land south of Accrington Road in Whalley.

If proposals are approved, there will be space for 99 cars, and the development will consist of 18 one bedroom properties, and 31 two-bedroom properties.

There will also be four three-bed properties and 13 properties of four bedrooms or more. Eight additional properties will be affordable homes.

A design and access statement reads: “A public car park which provides 23 spaces has also been re-introduced to this application in common with the extant reserved matters scheme.

“This occupies the same location as previously in the northwest corner of the site.

"It is accessed separately to the proposed housing development from an entrance on Accrington Road and is provided to reduce visitor and shopper car parking pressure and traffic congestion in Whalley village centre.

“A detailed landscaping scheme and planting plans have been submitted with the application.

"The planting scheme proposes new and replacement tree and hedgerow planting along the Accrington Road frontage and the site boundary, to mitigate for the sections and trees to be removed, and within the development area including street trees.”

Anyone wishing to comment on the plans should do so before March 15.