DETAILED plans have been unveiled showing how the controversial proposed new £12million plus leisure centre in an East Lancashire borough will look.

The proposals for Wilsons Playing Fields in Clayton-le-Moors have caused anger in Great Harwood because they will replace the swimming pool and gym at the town's historic Mercer Hall.

Now Hyndburn Council have submitted the planning application for the scheme as part of the borough leisure trust's £21m leisure transformation strategy.

It reveals proposals for a new timber-clad sandstone brick single-storey pavilion and sports and fitness centre including a swimming pool with six multi-sport outdoor pitches, mainly for football and rugby, and an athletics track.

It would be double the size of the existing building which will be knocked down.

The new pavilion will house a 50 station fitness suite, studio/activity hall, 25metre four lane swimming pool and catering situated on a plateau to the south of the car park.

Clayton-le-Moors ward's Cllr Melissa Fisher, deputy leader of Hyndburn Labour group, expressed concern over the loss of the swimming pool in Great Harwood and the impact of traffic but the council's leader Cllr Miles Parkinson welcomed the proposals as 'marvellous'.

The application's supporting statement explains why Mercer Hall was 'outdated' and unsuitable for redevelopment and why three alternative sites - Windsor Road Recreation Ground, the former Gas Holder Site and Alan Ramsbottom Way - were discounted.

It says: "Overall, Wilsons Playing Fields offers an excellent opportunity to provide a greater mix of facilities and the opportunity to develop the sporting provision that already exists on site.

"There is a greater opportunity to offer indoor and outdoor activities appealing to a wider audience.

"The greatest disadvantage of the site is that it is not in Great Harwood however it will serve both Great Harwood and Clayton-le-Moors residents well.

"The ability to offer a wider range of activities and maximise the benefits of outdoor activity outweighs the disadvantages of its location.

"As the largest site available, Wilsons Playing Fields is considered the most viable.

"The existing single storey clubhouse consists of changing facilities, club room, kitchen and groundsman’s garage.

"The wider site consists of an athletics track, a rugby league pitch and five football pitches.

"An opportunity was identified to create space for the new building by reconfiguring the existing football pitches.

"This location enjoys high visibility from the entrance creating a strong sense of arrival.

"The pool hall was orientated to the north, whilst the fitness suite and studio positioned to the south, enjoying natural daylight and pleasant views.

"The main entrance to the leisure centre can be easily seen and directs users past a raised balcony area serviced by the cafe.

"All playing fields have been retained at the same sizes and a better orientation.

"Materials with a natural feel are proposed, whilst large expanses of glazing will bring the outdoors into the building.

"Whilst a single-storey building is necessary, the proposal seeks to introduce a sloping parapet culminating at the main entrance to add an elegant touch.

"A central wet changing village and members' dry change present a flexible solution to all changing needs within the centre.

"A rear entrance provides an independent access into four outdoor changing rooms and two referee’s changing."

Cllr Fisher said: "We welcome the investment but the residents of Great Harwood are very sad and angry to have lost their swimming facilities.

"This planning application looks wonderful in theory but the residents nearby have concerns about parking and traffic."

Hyndburn Council leader Miles Parkinson said: "I think it is marvellous that Hyndburn Leisure are investing £12m in a new pavilion, indoor and outdoor sports provision with a swimming pool at a time when other boroughs are closing facilities.

"This will adequately serve Great Harwood and townships in the north of the borough."

A Hyndburn Leisure Trust spokeswoman said: "The proposed intervention of a new facility to replace Mercer Hall was developed as a result of completing Sport England's strategic outcomes planning model.

"It has been identified as a solution that will enable Hyndburn Leisure to deliver against future targets and overarching strategic outcomes identified for leisure and physical activity in Hyndburn."