A SMALL cul-de-sac of three-bedroomed homes is set to be built on the site of eight dilapidated garages near a major town park.

Mr A E Winstanley has been granted outline planning permission for up to four houses on the land at the rear of Colenso Road, Blackburn.

The street runs between Corporation Park and Shear Brow.

Blackburn with Darwen Council's planning committee approved the scheme despite concerns from residents over the height of the buildings and highways issues.

Current borough Mayor and Shear Brow and Corporation Park ward councillor Suleman Khonat backed their worries.

He wrote to planners saying: "The issues in the area have been parking and access. I would appreciate if you could keep me informed on this application and progress, please."

The permission was granted with 16 conditions by the committee when it met last week.

Details of the design of the houses, the layout of the cul-de-sac and access will be subject to the future 'reserved matters' planning application.

A planning officer's report told councillors: "The council’s development plan supports new residential development and associated works, provided they constitute sustainable development.

"The development would involve the construction of up to four dwellings.

"Access also appears to be shown from Colenso Road via the existing access point.

"The application site is garage site.

"Eight garages are contained within, which are in varying states of disrepair.

"Including the existing access point, the site covers an area of circa 0.5 acres.

"The land has previously been worked for stone and land levels rise considerably towards the north and Revidge Road.

"All of the garages would be demolished in order to facilitate the development.

"Three bedroom dwellings are proposed.

"This site is contained to all sides by steep land levels.

"The submitted plan shows four dwellings staggering a small cul-de-sac, which does not specifically correlate with the urban grain of the immediate locality.

"However, such a development would not be harmful to the street scene or visual amenity of the area when the contained nature of the site is taken into account.

"The site is currently accessed via a single-lane, unmade road.

"The development has been subject to pre-application discussions and initial reservations were raised regarding access arrangements.

"It was agreed with the agent that the site could accommodate up to three dwellings given its current use.

"It is acknowledged that access arrangements are suboptimal for a housing development.

"Subject to appropriate conditions, the proposed development would be acceptable on all the relevant planning grounds."