A CAFE owner has been granted backdated planning permission for her business despite a 17 signature petition opposing the 'gentrification' of a suburban neighbourhood.

Sonia Ahmed converted the showroom and offices in the Brookhouse Business Centre in Whalley Range, Blackburn, in September.

She believed the change did not need planning permission but on being informed it did applied for retrospective approval.

This month's meeting of Blackburn with Darwen Council planning committee granted that approval to Miss Ahmed with 10 conditions.

This was despite three objections from neighbours and a petition from nearby residents saying: "This onslaught of the rise of businesses without proper planning permission is very alarming and amounts to a gentrification of our community a neighbourhood."

A planning officer's report to the committee said: "This application seeks permission for a retrospective change of use of Units 7 and 7A of the former Brookhouse Business Centre, from showroom, offices and catering preparation area to a cafe including new seating area to the side.

"The application site lies just outside the Whalley Range District Centre.

"The two-storey commercial unit is in an accessible and highly sustainable location, and has the added benefit of a large shared car park to the rear.

"A number of objections have been raised by local residents, including a petition, citing safety/parking and amenity concerns.

"The application site lies within a commercialised setting, with a range of shops and local services present.

"The proposed changes to the elevations reflect the use applied for, essentially introducing much more glazing at both ground and first floor levels, and using modern materials, whilst introducing an open decking area to the side would also contribute to creating a much more open and inviting, active frontage.

"Hours of operation are 09:00hrs to 23:00hrs Monday to Sunday, including Bank Holidays.

"The proposal would ensure the premises are brought into active use, which would have wider social, environmental, and economic benefits.

"This will also assist in terms of reducing potential crime and antisocial behaviour.

"It is considered that the benefits of the proposal outweigh the concerns identified.

"Examples of the aforementioned benefits include the wider economic benefits / job creation it would bring to the local area; improving the range and choice of local facilities and services; and making a positive contribution to the vitality of the District Centre."