A “treasured” daughter who was “diligently cared for” by her parents has had her death ruled as unexplained at an inquest.

Aria Tierney was just over three months old when she died at her home in Burnley and was found by her father on the morning of Thursday, April 7 last year.

In an inquest at Accrington Town Hall, Coroner Kate Bisset returned a verdict of unexplained death in the context of unconventional sleeping arrangements.

Ms Bisset said Aria was “a clearly much-loved and treasured daughter” whose parents “diligently cared for her”.

Aria was born prematurely on January 5, 2022 at 32 weeks and spent the first three-and-a-half weeks of her life in a neo-natal unit.

Her parents, Natasha Lees and Scott Tierney, had regular visits from specialist nurse Denise Johnson, who said that Aria had no health or developmental concerns and was always appropriately dressed, clean, and warm.

During one of her visits she saw Aria do her first smile, which she said Ms Lees was “over the moon” about.

Aria’s half-sister, Natasha Tierney, Mr Tierney’s daughter from a previous relationship, said she last saw Aria between 9pm and 10pm on the evening of April 6 and everything “seemed normal”.

At 8.03am the next morning, paramedics were alerted to a three-month old baby in cardiac arrest after Mr Tierney had woken to find Aria with a small amount of blood on her face, and upon arrival found Ms Lees performing CPR.

They confirmed Aria’s death at 8.15am.

Police officers attended and wrapped Aria in a blanket as she was transferred to hospital.

She underwent a post-mortem examination where it was confirmed there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death nor was there any third party involvement.

There were no significant abnormalities in her cardiovascular system, though mild chronic inflammation was found, which could be associated with a very recent minor chest infection.

There was no history of Aria being unwell prior to her death and this inflammation was unlikely to have been a cause, though could have been a contributor.

Detective inspector Kathryn Cussans said Aria was placed in their bed during the night by her parents.

In her closing remarks, Ms Bisset said she was “so very sorry for their tragic loss.”

She added: “On the day she died there was nothing out of the ordinary, and she was fed and put to bed in a Moses basket. She was placed into an adult bed with her mother and father. Her father woke on April 7 to notice blood on Aria’s face. Tragically, paramedics confirmed Aria as deceased at 8.15am.

“Aria’s parents did not cause her death. I’m so very sorry to them for their loss and understandable grief.”

Ms Bisset recorded a narrative conclusion and wished Aria’s family the best for the future.