People from across Blackburn attended a vigil for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

More than 30,000 have now lost their lives following the earthquake last week.

The vigil was attended by people of all ages on Friday night and took place outside Blackburn Town Hall.

Saida Soge who helped organise the event said: “Thank you to everyone who attended the silent vigil this evening. We stand with you Syria and Türkiye. Forever in our hearts. Always in our prayers.”

Cllr Saj Ali who attended the event said: “It was good to see people get together at short notice. The people of Turkey and Syria have suffered immensely and our thoughts and prayers are with them.

“Many charities have been collecting locally and sent money, food and clothing to the region.

“It is hard to even imagine what the families are going through. The death toll is rising each day, we hope and pray the suffering ends soon.

“A big thank you to Saida who organised the vigil and the residents of Blackburn who turned up on the night.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Cllr Shaukat Hussain added: “It is so sad to see the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. On Friday, I stood with many people to show solidarity with the victims of the earthquake 

“The number of victims and what they have been going through is horrifying. 

“The only thing to do now is to try to help the survivors in anyway we can, so if you get the opportunity to raise funds than please do.”

Lancashire Telegraph: