A single dad with three kids says he wants to help a 'desperate' man after CCTV caught him stealing milk bottles from his doorstep in Bacup. 

Josh Mensah, 43, has milk bottles delivered to his home in the morning but on Wednesday (February 8) was surprised to find his doorstep empty.

After checking the CCTV footage, Josh discovered the milk was stolen by a man who walked past the house, assumedly, contemplating whether to take his chance before turning back to briskly swipe the bottles.

Responding to the situation with a ‘no use crying over stolen milk’ outlook, Josh shared that he isn’t judging the person for taking the milk because he may have been desperate.

Josh said: “My son in Year 7 normally collects the milk but he was ill that morning so he didn’t go as usual. By the time I did go to the door, it was gone.

“The way I look at it, to go on someone’s doorstep and steal a couple bottles of milk, there must be something going on.

"He did it in broad daylight when everyone was awake which highlights how desperate he must have been because he even thinks about it.”

Josh is a martial arts events organiser and a Brazilian jiu-jitsu coach and is in the process of launching a non-profit martial arts gym for people who can’t usually afford to join sports classes.

Two years ago, his wallet was stolen and after finding out who the thief was, Josh offered him a job.

He said: “I’m a community person and I want to try and help a guy. I don’t know what his situation is, I’d love to find out and have a chat with him.

“For all I know, he could be a single dad just like me and life’s not treating him well. For me, I’m doing okay at the moment but that can change at any given time.  

“Times are hard, and I don’t want people to bottle it up. Male suicide rates are really high and women’s - I lost my sister to suicide so I understand that people can get depressed about things.”

Josh posted the video in a local Bacup community group which received mixed reactions.

One person wrote: “So sad Josh that people are becoming more and more desperate these days, people can’t afford to eat/feed their children and keep their homes warm.”

“Times are hard but that’s poor play,” said another.

One person commented: “Wow disgusting taking from others just like that joke. Don't no how people can actually walk round thinking it's just milk disgusting.”

Councillors for Greensclough ward in Rossendale have been contacted for comment.